Civ 6 not closing
Civ 6 not closing

civ 6 not closing

Issue: Civ 6 seems to be causing two types of crashes, 1.) a catastrophic crash requiring a hard shut down of the machine, 2.) a more minor game crash, which allows access to OS to force quit Civ 6 app. This game is incredibly fun when it works and insufferably frustrating when it doesn't. Hope any of this helps! If you have better solutions, I'm all ears. When you load back up after a crash, complete the turn in strategy mode before going back to the regular view. It also seems to help to have your setting on 'start game in strategy mode'. This prevents the graphics card from getting too hot to begin with and everything seem to run much more smoothly (until it doesn't). I have since installed a fan controller which I set to 'full blast' before loading up Civ. My macbook had a burning plastic smell coming from the fans after one of the crashes when I didn't do a hard reset right away. I also noticed that when the crash happens if you do not shut the system down quickly, the graphics card ramps up to maximum and can potentially overheat. You will need to do a SMC reset now, and every time after the error occurs. Make sure you have the new August update. It still crashes, but less often and not consistently at the same point. I have managed to get this to 'mostly' work. Please note, I did redact my tab in 'notes' as it contained personal information. It gets significantly worse than this, but I am not able to get a screenshot that isnt all red or all black when that happens. I did manage to get a screen shot so you can see what I mean by 'distortion/fractal/vectoring'. Seeing as this computer is so new, I have stopped attempting games in case it is somehow damaging the system.

civ 6 not closing

This has crashed my system nearly every time. However, under seeming completely different circumstances, other than game progress, it always eventually errors out and cannot be played past that move. I have tried several setups and can get around 200-250 turns completed. Nothing seems to work to correct this, tried turning the graphics down to lowest settings and still had issues. No matter how many times I close, uninstall and reinstall, it always eventually freezes and crashes in the same manner. Reloaded, then managed to use a different sequence of turns and it worked for about 10 minutes then crashed. I reloaded the game and the exact same error occurred at on the exact same move. I managed to force close the program and reboot. It appears to have caused some kind of graphics processing error, as nothing will display correctly, highly fractal/vectored.

civ 6 not closing

I got a good way through a game of Civ VI with no issues then suddenly it froze and crashed. I just purchased a new MBP about a week ago, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M, 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4.

Civ 6 not closing